Low-Code/No-Code: 5 Benefits of this Rapid Development Technology

Low-code/no-code technology delivers agility, lower cost, and quick deployment.

Are you looking to speed up your development process? Low-code/no-code (LCNC) is a rapidly growing technology that can help you get the job done more quickly and efficiently. Low-code/no-code platforms use development tools that allow users to create applications using drag-and-drop components rather than manually coding. This means your business solutions can be built quicker; they are more agile and easy to scale.  This article will explore five advantages of low-code/no-code and how this technology can help you create faster, better results.

1.     Faster Time to Deployment

Low-code/no-code provides a faster route to deployment than traditional coding methods. Using prebuilt templates and drag-and-drop components, you can reduce the time it takes to implement solutions from months or years to weeks or days, giving you an advantage in terms of speed and agility in bringing new solutions to your business improvement strategies.

No-Code Tools are 10X faster than traditional app development platforms.

Source: forrester.com

2.     Cost Savings

Low-code/no-code solutions are often much cheaper than custom-code solutions. Companies can save money on development costs while still getting the same results as if they had gone with a custom solution. Low-code/no-code solutions often require less maintenance over time, reducing costs for businesses that use them.

Compared to conventional app-building platforms, no-code solutions consume 70% fewer resources.

Source: kissflow.com

3.     Accessibility

One of the great things about low-code/no-code is that it’s accessible to people without a deep technical background or coding experience, making it possible for nontechnical users to create powerful applications without learning complex programming languages. As a result, many companies have been able to tap into their internal resources and launch projects much more quickly than if they had gone with traditional coding methods.

A recent study finds out that 82 percent of organizations can’t attract and retain the quality and quantity of software engineers.

Source: adtmag.com

4.     Automation

Low-code/no-code tools automate specific tasks within your business processes, such as data synchronization or automated workflows. This saves time and money by eliminating the need for manually coding every time something changes. Automation reduces errors and makes it easier to manage time-sensitive tasks.

26% of executives named “no-code low-code development platforms” as their most crucial automation investment, which has more than doubled (from 10% to 26%) since COVID-19.

Source: KPMG

5.     Scalability

With low-code/no-code solutions, scalability is much easier than traditional coding methods because new components can be quickly added whenever changes occur or new features are needed. This allows businesses to scale their applications up or down as required without needing extensive recoding efforts.

Organizations build solutions 56% faster than companies that use traditional development technologies.

Source: Statista

In summary, LCNC solutions are more agile, significantly cheaper in the long run, and quicker to deploy. Gartner reports that by 2023, over 50% of all medium and large-sized organizations will use a low-code development platform as one of their primary application platforms. The need for simpler and faster application development will be an ever-present need, which is why there will be 4x more citizen developers than professional developers at large enterprises by the end of 2023, according to Gartner. The time to consider making the switch is now, and there are solutions that can implement their LCNC software in as low as 30-90 days.